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Clinically proven to reduce hair loss
Hair Loss1
Restores hair

Hair Loss Support

Hair Loss1
Restores hair
Clinically proven to reduce hair loss
£48.95 £48.95

Clinically proven to reduce hair loss with visible results in 90 days1. Results from a clinical double-blind trial have also shown a significant effect on hair health, increasing hair volume, density, brightness and shine1.

A stand-out innovation in hair loss treatment, Feel Hair Support with Keranat is the first scientifically proven ingredient that significantly reduces hair loss, restores the natural growth cycle and strengthens the hair from root to tip1.

91% of women taking Keranat observed a reduction in hair loss compared to the placebo group1. Outstanding results validated by 6 years of research and two human clinical trials.

Achieve noticeable results in 90 days.

All Feel products can be combined for optimal benefits.

We suggest taking one capsule a day, with or after food.
Feel Hair Support should be taken consecutively for a minimum of 12-weeks in order to see results.

This product has been designed for women.

Feel Hair Support is vegan, gluten free, halal, kosher, non-GMO and free from all 14 major allergens. Our products contain no artifical fillers, bulking agents or colours and all packaging is made from 100% plant-derived, plastic-free materials.
30 capsules. 1 per day.

Ingredients & nutritional information

30 capsules (30 servings)
Serving Size: Take 1 capsule daily with or after food.

Nutritional Information Per 1 capsule %RI*
Keranat 300mg -
Biotin (Vitamin B7 as D-Biotin) 100µg 200%
* Reference intake (RI)

Ingredients: Keranat (Millet Oil [Panicum miliaceum], Sunflower Oil [Helianthus annuus], Wheatgerm Oil [Triticum vulgare], Rosemary Leaf Oil [Rosmarinus officinalis]), Safflower Oil (Carthamus tinctorius), Capsule: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Emulsifier (Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids), D-Biotin.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medication, please consult with your doctor before using.
Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not exceed the recommended serving size.
Food supplements should not replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
Store in a cool, dry place.

Comparison table

Feel Hair Support


Clinically proven results




Visible results after 12-weeks




Eco-friendly sourcing methods




Includes high strength Biotin




Contains patented ingredient: Keranat




No fillers, binders or preservatives








Made in Europe





  • Tackles hair loss

    Hair loss affects up to 50% of women in their lifetime3. Our key ingredient, Keranat has been clinically proven to significantly reduce hair loss after 12 weeks. 91% of women consuming Keranat observed a reduction in hair loss compared to the placebo group1.

  • Stimulates hair growth

    Evidence has shown that when Keranat enters the hair bulb, it increases insulin-growth factor (IGF1) secretion3 and subsequently cell proliferation by 140%, resulting in hair follicle growth2.

  • Strengthens hair

    Keranat has been proven to increase collagen thickness around the hair bulb2, helping a stronger hair anchorage at the root.

  • Shinier hair

    Our star ingredient has been clinically proven to nourish the hair follicles for noticeably healthy hair that shines. Under self-observation, 75% of women found their hair was visibly brighter and softer after taking Keranat for 12 weeks1.

  • Scalp nourishment

    Feel Hair Support not only targets hair growth, but also helps to reduce scalp dryness, due to the combination of nourishing omega 6 oils that the Keranat blend provides1. Women who consumed Keranat experienced notable improvements in scalp dryness after 6 weeks, compared to the placebo1.

What is Keranat?

Keranat is a clinically tested, patented solution, obtained from natural substances: miliacin, millet seeds, lipids sourced from sunflower, wheat kernels, safflower and rosemary.

Using a variety of organically grown millet, these polar lipids help to encapsulate miliacin to improve its bioavailability, so that it can reach the bloodstream and subsequently the scalp to unleash its benefits.

Why is Miliacin important?

Miliacin is a very hard-hitting molecule found in millet seeds. This specific molecule gives Keranat the hair growth benefits1 and has been proven to restore a healthy hair cycle, while decreasing hair loss to leave hair stronger and healthier.

How does Feel Hair Support work?

Keranat works by targeting the dermal papilla (skin underneath the hair bulb), stimulating growth and increasing the thickness of collagen around the hair bulb by 20%2. The thicker the collagen layer, the stronger the hair root. Ultimately, once Keranat enters the hair bulb, it stimulates hair cell proliferation by 140% which indicates hair growth2.

Feel Hair Support is designed to assist you through every phase of your hair cycle. Its main ingredient - the clinically proven Keranat has over 6 years of research and two human clinical trials. For true efficacy and optimal results, Feel Hair Support contains the same dosage of Keranat that has been used in clinical trials and proven to reduce hair loss.

Our formula also contains Biotin, otherwise known as Vitamin B7. This ingredient is fundamental when it comes to hair health. It can assist with overall hair maintenance, while helping to strengthen hair follicles and resist hair breakage. Biotin also has the ability to enhance keratin production5, which in turn can reduce hair loss as well as strengthen hair.

There is also evidence to suggest that thinning hair4 is connected to low levels of Biotin. For this reason, including Biotin in our Hair Support formula can ensure any deficiencies in this essential nutrient are eliminated.

Your hair growth cycle

Hair loss is an entirely normal process of the natural hair cycle. We can lose anything from 50 to 100 hairs a day without noticing due to regrowth. Hair has a complex life cycle and involves multiple stages of growth and natural hair shedding, and each hair is at a different stage in the cycle to ensure your hair doesn’t shed all at once. The cycle can be summarised as the following stages:

  • 1.

    Anagen phase - hair growth phase that starts in the dermal papilla. 90% of your hair is in this phase at any time and can last from 2-5 years, but is very dependent on the individual6.

  • 2.

    Catagen - this is known as the transitional phase, where the blood supply to the hair root is cut off and hair stops growing. Lasts 2-3 weeks and approximately 1% of your hair will be in this phase at any one time7.

  • 3.

    Telogen - the resting hair remains in the follicle until it is pushed out by the growth of new anagen hair. Around 5% to 10% percent of all your hairs are in the telogen phase at any given moment7.

  • 4.

    Exogen phase - majority of hair shedding occurs during the exogen phase to give way to new hair follicles in the anagen phase8. We lose 50-100 hairs every day as a result.

How Keranat supports anti-hair loss. The clinical study

The anti-hair loss efficacy of Keranat was shown in a clinical study with 65 women during a three month period. The study looked at the number of hairs, the density of hair in the anagen and telogen phase and the general appearance of the hair and scalp1. While hair loss is apparent in the catagen phase, the hair growth stages known as the telogen and anagen phase seemed to respond very well with the intake of Keranat. After 3 months, there was a 50% reduction of hair loss compared to those not taking Keranat1.

Your hair on average should grow approximately 1-2 cm per month. With this and the nature of the hair cycle in mind, it may take a couple of months before you begin to notice a difference in the quality of your hair. For this reason, we would always suggest to consume Feel Hair Support for at least 3 months to visibly see the results.

The root cause of hair loss and how Keranat can help

Researchers have discovered that hair loss in women may be associated with reduced levels of insulin-growth factor (IGF1)10, a crucial protein that modulates the effects of hormones responsible for growth in our bodies.

Emerging research found that Keranat significantly increased IGF1 secretion and as a result, increased cell proliferation in the bulb leading to follicle growth and a normal hair growth cycle3. As a result, the anagen stage (hair growth) is maintained while the catagen stage (transitional phase) is halted.

Hair quality changes throughout your life depending on a variety of environmental, lifestyle and age factors9. The overuse of damaging hair products, stress, age, hormones, lifestyle, poor diet and nutrient deficiencies can all play a part. It’s equally important to look after the condition of your scalp, as a dry scalp can lead to hair thinning, hair loss and dandruff. To combat dryness, Keranat’s fatty acid profile can help to moisturise and hydrate the scalp, which can further nourish hair follicles and encourage regrowth1,2.

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Clinical Study 1

Clinical Study 1

Keranat was evaluated under clinical and dermatological control, using a randomised, double-blind placebo controlled study conducted on 65 women who had consumed Keranat for three-months1. The results revealed a significant improvement after weeks 6 and 12.

Improved scalp dryness

Improved overall beauty and shine

91% of Keranat group observed a decrease in hair loss

75% of Keranat group noticed an improvement in hair shine and softness

Clinical Study 2

Miliacin was tested in isolation to prove its efficacy. Using a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on 60 women with an average age of 37 years. Tests were performed after 12 weeks, to observe the number of hairs, the percentage of hairs in the anagen phase (hair growth phase) and general hair strength and appearance1.

The dermatologist who performed the 'hair follicle pull test' found that by the end of the 12 week study the hair of those who consumed Milacin was significantly denser, shinier and thicker.

After 12 weeks of consuming Miliacin

After 12 weeks of
consuming Miliacin

  • 85%

    Noticed a decrease in hair loss intensity

  • 85%

    Noticed an improvement in overall hair health

  • 78%

    Considered Miliacin effective in improving softness, suppleness and smoothness.

  • 78%

    Considered Miliacin to be effective for speed of hair growth, hydration, as well as hair and nail strength.

Self-assessment after 12 weeks of consuming Milician

Self-assessment after 12 weeks of consuming Milician

63% of the women saw a decrease in hair loss and considered their hair to be1:
  • Shinier
  • Stronger
  • Less split ends
  • More voluminous and thicker

Key ingredient highlights

  • Keranat

    Keranat is made with Millet - a small brown wholegrain. It contains naturally occurring compounds such as linoleic acid, and miliacin. Miliacin is the most important molecule within Keranat, it is this clinically studied compound that is responsible for stimulating hair growth and increasing collagen thickness in the hair follicle1,2.


    hair growth

    hair follicle

  • Sunflower oil

    Sunflower oil contains elevated levels of monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid. It also has a high concentration of ceramides which are naturally present in skin and the scalp. Ceramides are believed to give hair shafts better definition, making hair appear shinier11.

    fatty acids

    High concentration
    of Ceramides

    shinier hair

  • Wheatgerm oil

    Wheatgerm oil comes from the seed embryo of the wheat plant. Rich in long-chain fatty acids particularly Omega 6, wheatgerm oil contains high amounts of Vitamin E, as well as Vitamins A, B and D. It is a popular remedy when used topically for helping with the appearance and strength of hair12, along with hydrating the scalp.

    Contains high
    amount of
    Vitamin E

    Hydrates and
    nourishes scalp

    hair follicle

  • Rosemary leaf oil

    Rosemary contains natural compounds which have antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties which are popular choices in topical hair products for their purifying and stimulating hair bulb properties14 and adding volume to hair.

    Although there is extensive research on topical application, there is belief that when taken orally, rosemary seems to increase blood circulation, which may in turn influence hair follicle growth15. It also plays a role in preventing the oxidation of the other oils within the Keranat blend.


    Volumises hair

    Improves blood

  • Safflower Oil

    Extracted from the seeds of the Safflower plant, Safflower oil contains the highest ceramide content compared to other plant-based oils11. As with the ceramides present in Sunflower oil, these important fat molecules can also stimulate hair bulb activity to encourage hair growth, while increasing collagen production around the bulb to strengthen hair shafts11.

    High concentration
    of Ceramides

    hair growth

    hair shafts

  • Biotin

    Biotin is an essential B vitamin. There are eight different forms of biotin, but only one, D-Biotin, has full vitamin activity and is absorbed best in the body15. Biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and it is believed that a deficiency of this nutrient may be the cause of thinning hair4.

    Most absorbable

    Maintains hair

    Reduce hair

Clinically proven
to reduce hair loss





Free from
additives and

Feel Hair Loss Support is a food supplement. Food supplements are not a replacement for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

It's part of our mission to make the world a better place.

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